TV reporter interviews man on the street … has no idea it’s NFL star Adrian Peterson

Houston Fox 26 reporter John Donnelly was doing a normal story on how to stay safe in a road rage incident, talking to people on the street. You’ve seen these types of TV news stories before; they’re fairly common.

What was unusual here is that the man on the street Donnelly interviewed happened to be future Pro Football Hall of Famer Adrian Peterson … and Donnelly had no idea.

The story comes via, and it’s awesome. At the end of the interview, Donnelly asks the guy he’s been talking to about road rage his name, like he would with anyone else, and the subject says “Adrian Peterson.”

“Wait a minute, you’re not … ” Donnelly said.

“Yeah,” Peterson says after a brief, awkward pause.

That’s just amazing. The flip side of the story is funny too. Peterson must have figured he was being stopped to talk about his NFL future – he’s set to be a free agent on March 9, after the Minnesota Vikings made big news this week by announcing they won’t pick up his 2017 option – or whatever else a reporter would ask of Peterson if he saw him on the street. It must have been nice for Peterson to be treated for a minute like John Smith from Katy, Texas, just talking about how to handle a road rage situation.

Donnelly had fun with the video, posting on Facebook, “Here I am interviewing people on the street and not realizing I’d stopped a celebrity. Enjoy the awkwardness!” He and Peterson took a picture together after he figured out this was Adrian Peterson.

The Peterson video now ranks No. 2 in “didn’t realize it was an NFL player during a man on the street interview” history, behind “Hopeful Powerball player” Chris Long.

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